Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tonight we had hot chocolate and waffles for dinner. I had finished my dinner when Millie asked me, "Do you not like your drink?" I replied innocently enough, "It is hot right now."

My ever so smart six year old, Julian said, "That's the whole point of hot chocolate."

Millie about shot hot chocolate out of her nose, she could hardly contain herself.

I love my family.

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This morning we were sitting on our bed playing with Olivia (actually we were arguing as to who would feed Olivia her breakfast), when Harrison came in to join us. He quickly accepted the mission of going into the kitchen and getting his little sister a Graham Cracker.

A short time later we hear him struggling with a new box of crackers. The next thing we know the box of crackers popped open and fell to the floor and then "OOHHH! I didn't 'spect that to happen," Harrison exclaims.

We could hardly contain or even disguise our laughter as he came triumphantly back into the room with the broken cracker pieces in hand.

That boy makes me laugh.